Classmate Profiles

Welcome!!  Wait... never mind, I think we said that on the last page.  If this is your first visit to THIS page, please take a minute and click the "Add Your Profile" button below and fill in your profile.  Do not be shy with your information, please share in the box provided what you have been up to for the last 50 years!  Bet you have a lot of great stories to tell... if not create some good ones.  Didn't you take "Creative Writing" in high school?  Maybe we'll have an award for the most creative and entertaining B.S. story!

And don't forget to answer the question "10 Random things you may not know about me"  If you cannot come up with 10 things that's OK, just make stuff up that will make us all laugh, or give us whatever you can think of, everyone's life is interesting and valuable.  What has your journey been like?

If you have any trouble loading your pictures let us know, we have a first grader here that is quite adept at it. 
😊  Really though, we can load your yearbook picture from this end, and if you email or text a current picture we can get that loaded as well.... or there is always the option of asking one of your children or grandchildren (if you have any), as they are usually a lot more tech savvy than we are!

BTW, do some of the "Now" classmate pictures below look vaguely familiar?  We didn't realize we graduated with so many famous people!   Ok, get to work, fill this one out and then head over to all of the other pages and give us your thoughts.... and let's see who can come up with the most creative profile! 


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Jack Ankrum

Michael Armstrong

Anne Auger (Butkovich)

Stephen Bardwell

Polly Batchelor (Zabel)

Cindy Belmar

Karen Benjamin-Beck

Jeanette Bennett